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OntaOnta vs Others

Ania and Saša, 01 Aug, 2020

OntaOnta vs Others

OntaOnta vs Others

How we compare to other online education sites:

OntaOnta Google Classroom Khan Academy IXL Knowledgehook Edmodo
Complete, ready-to-use lessons for grades 1-8 math
Structured and easy to follow math program
Teachers must add content
Class notifications
Ready to use online quizzes/tests with solutions
Printable handouts: worksheets, homework...
Detailed teacher/parent solutions to the handouts
Social network
Video lessons
Video quizzes
Teachers can monitor students’ progress.
Printable class reports

Note: Google Classroom and Edmodo do not provide content. All material and quizzes have to be made by educators.

* The information here is accurate to the best of our knowledge. If you find any discrepancies please let us know, and we will update the chart.

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